Sunday 28 August 2016

Hello everyone!

During writing, we have been learning to use drama to enhance our writing skills.  Last week we were learning about the 'Freeze Frame' approach - on Wednesday Mr Hopkins and some of his students popped over to help us learn more ... 

We used the story of the 3 little pigs and then all took the role of the wolf .............. 

This week we are going to be working with Room 1 and learning more about drama and 'Freeze Frame' to further enhance our writing skills.

Monday 15 August 2016

As part of our Olympics unit, we have been learning to write news reports.

Each morning, we have a class discussion about what has been going on in the Olympics - who has won medals for New Zealand, what particular events have had something unexpected happening, etc. From here, the children have been learning to introduce themselves as a news reader and report some news about the Olympics.  On Thursday the children wrote a news report with a buddy ... here they are!!

I think you'll agree that your children have done a great job!

Saturday 6 August 2016

Well what a wonderful 2 weeks we have had during our Maori unit!  The children have all been learning many different aspects of Maori culture - language in Room 1, art in Room 12, weaving in Room 11 and rakau in Room 2.  We finished off this unit today with a hangi meal at lunchtime - Tandia and Reuben seemed to really enjoy their hangi meal :)

I was really impressed with the children's ability and timing when using the rakau.  Here they are ...


This week we begin an Olympics unit.  We will be following what is going on in Rio in class so if your child has any information/findings about these Olympics, please encourage them to bring it along so they can share it with the rest of us.

I hope you all have had wonderful weekend and I'll see you all on Monday.

Wednesday 3 August 2016

Hello there everyone,

I hope you are all keeping warm!!!  The children are all very excited about the prospect of snow at the end of the week .... it will be very interesting to see if the weather forecast is accurate!

This year, children are all developing fantastic self-management skills - during Maths and Reading they are able to choose from a variety of learning activities when they are not with me or doing a set activity I have given them to reinforce their learning.  The room just buzzes as they are learning!  Today was a wonderful example of this ... here are some photos showing what the children were doing during their self-directed learning in Reading ....

I will see you all in the morning :)