Friday 27 May 2016

Hello everyone,

Things have been really busy in Room 2 over the past wee while with lots of wonderful learning going on!

As part of our school-wide "Making Music" unit, we have been learning about and using different musical instruments.  The children have had 2 lessons learning how to play 'Mary had a little lamb' on the glockenspiels and I just HAD to take a clip of it to share with you as they are picking it up so quickly!  Mrs Campbell, Mr Hopkins and Mrs Cummings happened to pop in one afternoon and saw them playing and were amazed!  Here they are .................

I hope you are all very impressed as I certainly am!  I can't believe how quickly they have picked it up after only 2 lessons!!!

Yesterday during reading time, one of our reading groups read a story called "Hedgehog Fun".  Mrs Hine happened to be our parent help so she helped them make some 'hedgehogs' to share with everyone.  They looked delicious!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and I'll see you on Monday.

Monday 16 May 2016


We all had the most wonderful day today here at Our Lady of the Assumption School!

We started off the day with our 'Circle of Prayer' and at the end of this, the Ruane and Morley-Bunker families, as well as the other new families to our school since last year, were given a Bible as part of the new initiative of welcoming new families to Our Lady of the Assumption.

THEN, after our morning tea, St Bernadette's School arrived.

We welcomed them with 'E te ariki' and then headed back to our rooms. Room 1 joined us in Room 2, as well as 13 children from St Bernadette's and we made a flower collaboratively.  We made 2 flowers together - one for each school - and you can see our wonderful creation in the office foyer.  Please go and have a look - we all think it looks fantastic!!!!

As you may already know, we are in the middle of our school-wide "Making music together" unit.  Last Wednesday we were VERY lucky to have a very special and very talented visitor .....

Thank you Mrs Morley-Bunker!  Please visit us again!!!!

Sunday 8 May 2016

Happy Mother's Day to you all!  I hope all you wonderful Room 2 mothers have had a super special day with your families.

It was fantastic to see so many of you down at the cross country on Thursday - although the children had a VERY long wait until their race, I was so proud of the way they waited so patiently and entertained themselves until their big moment.  I was also very proud of the way they all competed.  

However a very special moment for me was when the Room 2 children finished running ... as you already know, many Room 2 have older siblings in the school.  I was just so touched by the way that many of these siblings rushed over to give their younger brothers/sisters hugs of congratulations when they finished their race.  It was the most beautiful sight and so beautifully illustrated what a special school Our Lady of the Assumption School is.  

Earlier in the week, we further discussed how God is made up of 3 persons.  We did an experiment with a small piece of cupboard, 2 pieces of straw and a bit of bluetrack.  The children's task was to make a stool using this equipment however they soon realised that they needed 1 more straw.  Once they had 3 pieces of straw, they were able to successfully complete their stool.  We then discussed how God is just like this - there are 3 parts to him (Father, Son and Holy Spirit).  

See you tomorrow!

Monday 2 May 2016


Hi everyone, it was wonderful to see you all again after our two week holiday break.  I hope you all had a fantastic holiday with your children and are all ready for another action packed term.

You will already know that on Thursday we have our school cross country.  You have all received an email with information about this event.  The weather isn't looking terribly great at this stage so please if it does go ahead, make sure your child has plenty of warm clothing to wear on top of their green shorts and house coloured top.  This is because they will be sitting down and waiting until they race at 11.15 so it's important that they are warm while they are waiting.  Just a reminder that we leave at 9.00 so could you please make sure that your child is at school in plenty of time.  Thank you!

Today in RE we focussed on how God is 3 persons in 1 (God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit).  To illustrate this, we did a Science experiment using milk, 3 different colours of food colouring and dishwashing liquid.  When we added the food colouring to the milk, the different colours remained separate.  But when we added the dishwashing liquid, they all mixed together - just like there are 3 persons in 1 God.

Later this afternoon we began our school-wide Music unit on 'Making Music'.  Today we looked at different instruments - their names and the sounds they make.  The children loved playing them all!

If you have any instruments at home that your child could bring to share or if you know anyone who might like to come in and play for us, we would love to see/meet them!  Our music unit goes for the first 5 weeks of the term and then we have another school-wide Art unit before a school celebration/presentation at the end of the term so the children can show you what they have been learning.  

See you in the morning   :)