Sunday 28 February 2016


On Friday, we continued our painting unit by doing some 'Marble painting'.  The children covered a marble in paint and then put it in a box lid to create a painting.  They had a lot of fun!  Here are some photos.

After our Art lesson we had a special visitor.  Mrs George, a parishioner from our parish, popped in to give us some books to read, particularly pop up books.  She brought some in books for us last year but this time was extra special as she had time to read to us.  She is an avid reader and loves sharing her books with the children - we are very lucky!!! Thank you Mrs George!!!

After lunch we had TRUMP time which is where the children are using the key competencies (Thinking, Relating to others, Using language, symbols, texts, Managing self and Participating and Contributing) to choose from a variety of activities.  This week they were able to choose from the creating table, writing/drawing table, lego, iPads, and wooden blocks).  The highlight BY FAR is the creating table so please keep sending along any spare boxes you may have as they are definitely needed!!!

And finally, just a wee reminder about the CARITAS box which is in our classroom.  With it being the Lent season, the focus is on prayer, fasting and giving, so if you have any spare change at all, please give it to your child to pop in our box during morning prayers.  Every little cent does make a difference so thank you for anything which you can give.

See you all tomorrow.

Tuesday 23 February 2016


Hello there everyone!  I am sorry that I didn't post any photos yesterday from our special day of living like Jesus but unfortunately the i-Pad I used decided to stop displaying anything (as in it would turn on and off but was completely blank on the screen).   Luckily our IT expert was in school today so he fixed it for us.  Thank goodness!  I was worrying that we may have lost all our photos as the children all had a wonderful 'Jesus' experience.

Firstly, thank you all so much for sending along food and organising such wonderful outfits for your children.  A special thank you to Catherine (Francis's mum) and Lucy (Conor's mum) for coming down to make unleavened bread with the children.  Despite the rather plain ingredients, it really was quite yummy ... not that many of the children would agree with me though!

The most important time of the day though ... and the time that the children looked most forward to, was actually eating foods like what Jesus used to eat.  There was such a wonderful selection for them to choose from - thank you very much for supplying what you did :)

We also had some leftovers today!!!

Afterwards we went outside and played games like Jesus would have played - games such as tag, hide and seek.  Most of the children tried to do the boot camp in their 'Jesus' outfits but they found it very difficult.

All in all, it was a fantastic experience for us all - thank you so much for your support :)

Friday 19 February 2016


Today we continued our 'Painting' unit by focusing on using the tip of the brush to make a piece of artwork.  We read "Elmer" by David McKee and then created our own "Elmer".  Have a look!

Thank you so much to Mrs Morley-Bunker who came in to help us with our work.  Thank you to all the wonderful parents who have offered to parent help in Room 2 this year.  It is just so wonderful to have all of you helping and the children love having you in the classroom for part of their day.


Thursday 18 February 2016


Every Thursday during writing time, the children work on a piece of writing with their 'writing buddy'.  For the past 3 weeks we have been focussing on Growth Mindset - training our brain to learn and be open to new ideas in order to learn.  We have been watching a different clip each session and then answering a set question in our work.  Here are your children hard at work ....

Please pop in and see their work ... it is on display and I know your child would love to show you what they have been doing.

Thank you so much to those of you who were able to come to one of the "Meet the Teacher" sessions today.  It was great to see so many of you!  Remember if you have any questions at all, please email me or pop in and have a chat so we can discuss the matter further.

Wednesday 17 February 2016

Good afternoon everyone,

I will be talking tomorrow at the Meet the Teacher sessions about a new resource that we are using in the Rutherford Team called "Numicon".  It is proving to be very popular with the children so I thought I would share with you all some photos from this week of what they have been doing with this resource.

The children are still involved in a variety of other maths activities during our session ....

Today in Religious Education, we started look at what Jesus wore when he was living in Palestine (Israel).  We learnt that he wore a tunic, mantle, girdle and sandals.  We had a bit of a dress-up session while we learnt :)

And finally, here is the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reading their book from today.  I am super proud of them - I know you all will be too .....

I hope to see you all tomorrow at the Meet the Teacher sessions which are at 3.15 and 6.00.  Make sure you check your emails as an email has just been sent to you with all the details of the PTA Family fun night as well.